07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Today we welcome our friends Charlotte, Alanis, Latika, Dominic, Quinn, Luca and Hendrix with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais. Miss Shelby dressed up as a skeleton bride, Charlotte came as a witch in a purple dress and witches hat, Luca wore a white ghost top, Hendrix was wearing as pumpkin t-shirt and Quinn dressed up as a princess in a pretty dress. When Miss Shelby arrived in her Halloween costume Hendrix said to Miss Thais ” Shelby pretty”.


Before having morning tea everyone joined Miss Shelby on the mat to sing some Halloween songs, we sang and did the actions to 5 little pumpkins, 5 little ghosts flying in the sky and 5 little witches. During group time Hendrix pointed to his t-shirt and said  ”pumpkin”, Charlotte said ” I’m a witch, they both also counted with their fingers while we counted to five- Hendrix showed the number five and Charlotte showed the number one. Luca was laughing and smiling while listening to the song

Today the children painted some skeleton’s with white paint, the children were encouraged to dot paint on the bones which they did a great job at doing. After finishing his skeleton Hendrix held his painting up to show Miss Shelby and said ”i did it”.

We made some yummy Halloween biscuits today, first we watched Miss Shelby as she made the orange icing by mixing some yellow and red food colouring into a bowl of vanilla incing.Then the children helped to spread the icing onto the biscuits and got to help decorate them with smarties and hundreds and thousand. Charlotte said ” there yummy, i want to eat one”.

We hope to see you all tonight

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais