Happy Thursday Everyone!!! today we welcome our friends Hendrix, Charlotte, Ivy, Quinn, Dominic, Alanis, Everly ,Luca and Latika.
For group time Miss Shelby brought in some special books to share, today we read Old McDonald’s had farm and Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack! while reading the stories the children helped Miss Shelby name the animals and make the sounds of the animals.
Some of the children were showing interest in playing with the baby dolls in home-corner so Miss Shelby borrowed another wooden cradle, blankets, dolls and a high chair from the toddlers one room and set it up on the mat area. Our friends Latika, Ivy, Luca, Dominic, Charlotte, Hendrix , Quinn and Alanis all enjoyed having pretend and fantasy play with the dolls.
While playing with the baby dolls Latika said ” baby” as she showed Miss Shelby the baby, Ivy helped dress the baby doll with undies and also said ” shhh” as she rocked the baby to sleep on her shoulder, Alanis covered the baby up with a blanket, Quinn and Luca were rocking the babies in the cradle and Hendrix, Dominic, Luca and Latika placed the babies into the high chair.
Miss Shelby sang ” Miss Polly had a dolly” while the children were busy playing with the babies and Charlotte responded by saying to Miss Shelby” i found the doctor” as she brought over a doll to Miss Shelby.
Today Luca, Ivy, Charlotte, Quinn, Dominic and Latika made their Christmas gift tags, they decorated their gift tags with Christmas colours red, green and yellow water paint and sponge brushes.
Latika, Ivy and Hendrix followed and extended on their own interest as they choose to play with the wooden shaped puzzles. Latika sorted the shapes on and off the wooden stand, Ivy was lining up all the square shaped puzzles and Hendrix was sorting the different shapes. Dominic was making car noises at the table as he moved the cars along the table.