Good afternoon Toddler two families!

We have had an incredible day today here in toddlers two room and to start this beautiful Tuesday we welcomed all our lovely friends with warm welcoming cuddles and big smiles. All our friends loved being welcomed into the yard as they all really enjoy playing in the yard! whilst exploring the great outdoors we found lots of fun activities and playing equipment to get involved in like climbing up and through the play ground frames, swinging on the swing, building birthday cakes out of sand whilst singing happy birthday and so much more. when we are in the yard we love to get really imaginative and create our own little worlds with one another.

Following up after all that excitement we moved on into transitioning into group time. As we walked inside all the children did amazing using their walking feet from the yard to the group time mat, they all sat down so nicely as they got comfortable on a pillow each while awaiting for Miss Jade to begin reading our two new books. Our new books are called ‘the three little pigs’ and ‘the gingerbread man’ all the children were extremely engaged throughout both entire book as these books were fun and push, pull and slide books. The children really love when the pages move as it feel like the book is coming to life. To wrap up group time Miss Jade sung us a couple of our favourite songs that are called ‘tiny turtle’, ‘miss Polly had a dolly’, ‘open, shut them’ and to finish up group time we sung ‘bee, bee bumble bee’ to transition to wash our hand, grab our drink bottles from the trolley and sit at the tables for morning tea time.

For morning tea time the children enjoyed some Delicious Apple, Chai and Date Pancakes with bananas. We then packed away our plates and water bottles in the correct places and having some indoor playtime.

Miss Hope than set up two fun activities for the children to explore and play with. The first activity was washing the glass doors around the room using a spay bottles filled with water and cloths. As we know the children always love giving a helping hand when it come to cleaning so this experience was perfect for them, the children had so much fun spraying the glass doors, and really took their time going from one door to another and cleaning every last spot. The second activity was with special magic sand, the children had the chance to have a feel of the texture in the magic sand and build little castles using the different moulds. The children got to choose out of two colours blue and pink and some children wanted to see what both colour mixed would look like. They had so much fun in the experience taking the time to place the sand into the moulds and tipping them the right side up on the table and see what they have created.

We had so much fun indoors but the sun was so nice and warm we wanted to finish off the morning outdoors have fun in the sun! Thank you all for an amazing Tuesday! we hope you enjoy the rest of your beautiful day.

Much love Miss Hope, Miss Gabi and Miss Jade