What a exciting day we had with our new toddlers two room finally opening today, Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Charlotte, Dominic, Quinn, Luca, Alanis, Lachlan B, Lachlan H, Hendrix, Latika and Alexia who is moving up from babies room.

This morning we spent longer outside as all our friends were having so much fun, while outside Dominic, Quinn, Luca,Hendrix, Lachlan H and Lachlan B were busy exploring the rocks with Miss Jess. Together they played so nicely with the rocks where they build towers with the rocks. Lachlan B and Luca also filled the wheel barrow up with the rocks

Charlotte used the balancing beam as the slide as she slid down it and said to Miss Shelby ” I’m sliding” Hendrix was busy playing in the kitchen where he said he was cooking eggs and Dominic was wearing the fireman hat.

Miss Shelby also had some one on one conversational reading time outside with Lachlan B as he was interested in the frog book as he said ” look a frog” Miss Shelby said to Lachlan what can you see and he responded by pointing to where the frog was and saying ”frog”.

When coming inside for morning tea everyone washed their hands in the new sink and then sat down at the table, while waiting for our food Miss Shelby sang twinkle, twinkle little star. our friends Hendrix and Charlotte sang along and put their hands up in the air to do the actions while Dominic also put their hands up in the air while Miss Shelby was singing the song.

Miss Thais did a rocking painting experience with the children where they used coloured paint and paint brushes to paint the rocks and Miss Shelby also set up some black rocks on the mat for the children to continue with their interest of building.


REMINDER- please can you bring a sheet and blanket for child’s sleep time and if you are bringing your child outside on arrival please can you put their hat on before coming outside.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais