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Today Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Charlotte, Luca, Lachlan B, Quinn, Alanis, Dominic,Iva and Latika.

This morning our friends Quinn, Dominic and Alanis showed interest in building with the wooden blocks, they built the blocks up high and then knocked them down. Quinn and Alanis said ”wow” when they both knocked the blocks down.

Luca was busy figuring out how to put the ladybug puzzle back together, he noticed a piece was missing and said ”gone” our friends Quinn, Dominic Ivy then wanted to do a puzzle so they joined Miss Shelby on the mat to do the farm animal puzzle. They took it in turns sharing the animal pieces and placing them in the correct place on the puzzle board.

We then joined Miss Shelby on the mat for group time where we sang a Japanese song using felts and we talked about our emotions using felt faces. Our friends Quinn, Dominic Charlotte and Ivy showed a happy face by giving a big smile. The children all learnt how we feel when we are feeling happy, sad, angry, tired and worried. Ivy pretended to go to sleep when Miss Shelby said ”if your tired and you know it go to sleep”.

We also sang and did the actions to open shut them as this is a favorite with Dominic, Charlotte, Luca, Quinn and Ivy doing the actions to the song.

Miss Thais painted the children’s hands with dark brown, tan paint and light brown paint, everyone then pressed their hands down to the paper to create their hand-print which we are using to create a multicultural display for multicultural day tomorrow.While waiting to get her hands painted Charlotte said to Miss Thais ” i want to use red pot”.

Miss Shelby was sitting with our friends while they made some maracas using craft glue and different collage materials, Latika, Ivy, Lachlan H and chose to decorate their maraca for the multicultural display.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais