Today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph welcome our friends Poppy, Quinn, Dominic, Henry, Alanis, Grace, Lachlan

After a play outside we join Miss Shelby and Miss Steph together on the mat for group time where we sang Quinn’s favorite song row, row, row your boat with Quinn and Lachlan holding hands together. Poppy brought in her Peter Rabbit comforter today so Miss Shelby and Miss Steph sang and did the actions little peter rabbit . Miss Shelby also brought in a Australian Lullaby book to share while reading the book Quinn recognised the rain as she pointed to the rain on the page.

Miss Shelby had some conversational reading time with Luca, Quinj and Alanis where together we looked at a number book with different objects. Luca pointed to the cakes and said ”wow”, Quinn recognised and named the bananas as she said ”na na” and Alanis recognsied and named the frogs as she said ”frogs”

Miss Steph painted the children’s foot prints with gray paint which Miss Shelby made using black and white paint mixed together. All our friends wanted their foot painted today as they took it turns to sit down with Miss Steph. We will be using the children’s foot prints to turn into Koala’s for our Australian wall display in our room.

We had fun taking photo’s with the Australian flag sunglasses today with many of the children copying Miss Shelby wearing the glasses and wanting their photo taken.

Miss Shelby and Miss Steph