Welcome back we hope you all had a wonderful Australia day long weekend with your families, today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph welcome our friends Luca, Poppy, Dominic, Quinn, Lachlan, Alanis, Parker, Grace, Everly and Henry.

This morning Miss Shelby sat down with Luca, Lachlan, Quinn and Parker to look at a Australian Animal book with Lachlan really engaging in looking at the different pictures of the animals and he use his words to say ”shark” as he pointed to the picture of the shark.

While we waited for all our friends to arrive this morning Miss Shelby took Luca, Parker, Quinn and Lachaln outside for a play . They were so excited to go outside that once they got their hat on they all went to the door to wait.

Today Miss Steph bought in a sesame street book all about what makes you giggle. The children were so excited pointing to all their characters that they recognized. Lachan was telling his own story to the class all about Big bird and what he was doing. Big Bird liked doing ballet to make him giggle. Quinn was also very exited to tell me what she knew and her favourite character was Big Bird. 

To extend on the children’s interest of making scrambled eggs on Friday Miss Shelby boiled some eggs at home to bring in for the children to do a rolling egg painting activity. So we sat down together to crack one pf the eggs open to see inside and all got a piece of the cracked egg to feel.  It was encouraging to see the children’s input by using their manners. Which we also extended on at lunch time to say please if they would like some pineapple for example.

Then it was time to begin the fun and messy part of applying the paint. We did this by applying the paint to the paper and seeing the eggs make tracks and what look like stars from the shape of the paint. This art activity allowed the children to use their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills as they moved the tray around and side to side which they moved the eggs through the paint to create the tracks on the paper.

Miss Shelby also set up some egg cartons and pretend eggs to do a sorting activity with Quinn sitting down to explore the activity she followed and extended on her own interest as she sorted the wooden eggs by lining them all up in a straight line.


Miss Shelby and Miss Steph