Today we had a very busy day with 10 toddlers, Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Quinn, Lachlan B, Charlotte, Luca, Latika, Lachlan H, Hendrix, Alanis and Dominic.

While playing outside this morning with our toddler one Friends the children were fascinated with watching the diggers in the yard next to us, Luca also enjoyed playing with the diggers in the sandpit and Lachlan B was busy building with the large Lego blocks where he said he was making a big tower. When all our friends and Miss Thais arrived, we came inside and joined Miss Shelby on the mat for song where Miss Shelby sang action songs for the children to do actions using their body parts – Everybody  do this, do this , do this , open shut them and wind your bobbins up. The children did a great job at coping all the actions.

Miss Thais painted the children’s footprints with black paint to create some Halloween artwork- Trick or Treat smell my feet, Miss Shelby set up the play dough we made yesterday with some black pretend spiders. Charlotte said ” I want it, too many spiders and it’s a black spider ”while exploring the play dough and spiders, Latika, Quinn and Alanis showed Miss Shelby the spiders they found in the play dough while Charlotte, Ivy, Dominic, Lachlan B and Luca explored the play dough and spiders by putting the spiders into the play dough. Our friend Lachlan B said he was making a big snake and he also brought over the tri connect blocks which he used to press into the play dough while Hendrix and Latika both said they were making a ball.

Miss Shelby set up the tri connect blocks on the mat area, all the children were excited to explore, manipulate and play with the them. They used their problem solving skills to figure out how to connect them together.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais