Hello families and friends

Welcome to another Tuesday with Miss Thais and our friends Dominic, Alanis, Parker and Alia. We started our morning Outdoors playing with some flour, oats and animals that Miss Gabi has been set up for us.

Outside this morning we practised our fine and gross motor skills as rode our bikes, climbed obstacle course and constructed with the big blocks. Dominic enjoyed his relaxing time in the swing. Alia and Alanis choose the obstacle course and Parker loved the big blocks!

The children then transitioned indoors for our ‘Acknowledgment to Country’ and ‘Good morning Songs’.

This morning we extended the learning about dinosaurs with play dough stomping our dinosaurs firgurines around in the trough, making footprints. The activity turned into a fun learning experience about patterns, printing and measurement concepts.  It also provided an opportunity to build fine motor development, coordination and concentration. They loved the experience!

Other activities we enjoyed were – songs and rhymes on the mat, Lego construction, felt puppets and practicing our transition songs.

Love Miss Thais