07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph welcome our friends Alanis, Luca, Everly, Dominic, Parker, Quinn, Lachlan, Grace and Henry.

We started our morning playing outside where Luca, Quinn and Lachlan showed interest in filling up the watering can and then watering the plants in the garden.Henry enjoyed playing with his friend Tobias from Toddlers one where they were both wheeling the wheel barrows around the bike track. Dominic got the balls out and started throwing them while Parker was busy playing with trucks in the sandpit.

Today at group time the children learnt a new song- ”I Saw a Taiwan” a Kiwi song to continue focusing on Waitangi Day. We also sang sleeping bunnies which everyone loved laying down then jumping up and jumping like bunnies, we extended on the ”I saw a ”Taniwha” song by painting a lock ness monster as that is what the song is about. The children painted their own lock ness monster with green paint.

Miss Shelby set up the pretend farm play set box and Hospital play set box at the tables for the children to explore, imagine and play with. First we looked at all the different animals in the farm box with Quinn recognising and naming the duck piece as she showed Miss Shelby saying ”duck, quack, quack”.

The children are broadening their understanding in the world in which they live in as today we practiced a fire drill which the children did a amazing job at following Miss Shelby, Miss Steph and Miss Shanaya to the appropriate meeting area encase their was a fire.

For lunch Luca, Alanis, Dominic, Lachlan and Parker really .enjoyed eating the yummy Lasagna made from pasta that they wanted more, used her big voice to say ”thankful” to Miss Steph. Luca and Dominic both said ”more please”.

Miss Shelby and Miss Steph xx