Hi all

Welcome to our day in Toddlers 2. We had a full house today – Kezia, Noah, Dominic, Alexia, Lachlan, Luca, Willow, Alanis, Rania and Everly joining us.

Today we joyously went for a play outside after a few of us had joined us inside in the morning. The horse in the neighbors paddock had a rug over them and we saw it get on the ground and roll over to scratch its back while I was giving Rania cuddles. Once we were all here we then began our day inside with Thomas The Tank Engine Book. Alexia could see a boat on the page and said Row Row so then we just had to sing the song. Then follow up with the Wheels on the bus so we got that book out also to sing.

Our activity for today was making steering wheels to extend on transport interest.


Today we also did dancing engaging with technology for fun and to make meaning. Willow, Everly and Kezia made a circle together joining each of their hands together to dance around and around.

We were then so exhausted that we tucked our comforters in our arms and drifted off to sleep for a great big rest ready for another adventure outside.

Love Miss Steph and Miss Tias xx