Hello Families and Friends! 😊

What a wonderful day we`ve had around here today – our day began with our friends outside welcoming their friends with a lots of cuddles and smiles. Enjoying each others company, we spend some time exploring the playground, riding bikes, taking turns on the swing, climbing, throw and catch balls, playing in the sandpit and much more.

The time goes so fast when we are having fun with our friends then was time to pack way our toys in the yard and starting our morning routine.
In our group time today Miss Gabi followed the children’s interest and read ” The three little pigs” story book – then everybody set down on the group mat with their listening ears to listen very carefully to the story, and guessing  what was behind the flaps and slides the scenes to bring the tale to “life”. Pretending we all are the ” big bad woof” they enjoyed practising their blow skills and puff down the little pigs house – was so much fun!! ♥
Once the story finished we sang nursery rhymes and some favourite songs then ” bee bee bumble” to smooth transition to hand wash then set down for morning tea time.

For morning tea today we had a delicious Organic fruit Toast and delicious triple berry coconut Jelly, served with fresh fruits.

Once we had packed away our things from the table was time to explore our classroom and our beautiful classroom. Searching for their self selected toys and games this morning the children engaged in a variety of fun play experience as a:

♥ Building with wooden blocks – The construction area still very popular around the children, they enjoy using the blocks to make car ramps, stack up one on top another one and use it as a step and much more .♥

♥ Home corner was another favourite play today as they enjoyed making food for one another, chopping vegetables using the fake knifes, pretending they are making tea and coffee, also caring for the babies and much more. Is absolutely adorable see our friends in their imaginative play in home corner! ♥

♥ Have a relaxing moment reading book with Miss Maddi on our group mat ♥

♥ This week we are focused on life- help skills, so today we practice how to hang clothes on. In a selected part in our classroom we set a clothes line  and a drying rack, pegs and some spare clothes. The children were very engaged in the play, they enjoyed manipulating the pegs, figuring out how to fold the clothes and find ways to hang the clothes. They have done a great job, we could not be proud of our little friends! ♥♥ When toddlers practise self-help skills, life – skills it boosts their confidence. Children are naturally inclined to want to do things for themselves. Encouraging our friends to self-care, reduces their stress and promotes their self-esteem and they also have so much fun!!!!!! ♥

For lunch time today we had a another yummy and nutritive Sticky Thai Sesame Vegan and Chicken Meatballs served with a delicious salad bar

Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy for another big play outside in the afternoon!

With Love,

Miss Gabi, Miss Hope and Miss Maddi