Today we welcome our friends Quinn, Luca, Charlotte, Alanis, Ivy, Hendrix and Kezia and Alexia from babies with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais.

We started our day playing outside in the big yard while waiting for all our friends to arrive, while outside Miss Thais sang a song in Brazilian where Quinn joined in by clapping her hands while Miss Thais was singing. Hendrix, Kezia and Alexia were busy playing in the sandpit with Hendrix saying he was making a frog with the sand, Kezia digging in the sand with the shovel and Alexia exploring the cooking utensils in the sandpit.

Our friends were also loving playing behind the new fence where they taught it was funny to play peek a boo and Ivy was showing off her balancing skills by walking along the balancing by herself.

With Halloween coming up today the children created some bats by painting them with black paint and Miss Shanaya sat down to read a special Halloween book Miss Shelby brought in to share. Kezia was really interested in looking at the pictures in the book.

During play time the children explored their new environment where Alanis pretended to drink from the home corner tap, Kezia was interested in the different puzzles provided on the table and Miss our friends Ivy, Alanis, Hendrix and Alexia were busy exploring the new relaxation area Miss Shelby and Miss Thais created today using the nook and lounges to create the area for the children to relax.They brought the baby dolls, blankets and cradle into the area to pretend to put the babies to sleep.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais