Happy Wednesday!
Welcome to Toddlers Two classroom.
What an amazing playful and learning journey we are having around here today. Our day started with Miss Jess welcoming the children in the playground under the warm spring sun with a big smile and a lot of cuddles. Today has consisted of so many fun experiences.
Riding the bikes around the yard, taking turns down the slide, digging in the sandpit, and making soap bubbles! This was their favourite go to this morning!
The time goes so fast when we are having so much fun with our classmates as we realized it was time to pack the toys away and start our morning routine.
Enjoying the good whether Miss Jess and Miss Gabi decided to have group time on the veranda. In group time the children chose nursery rhymes to sing, the most popular ones were ‘’Miss Polly had a dolly”, “Wheels and the bus” and “Old MacDonald had a farm”.
Then we sang “bee bee bumble” to smoothly transition to hand wash and then sitting down for our delicious morning teatime.
Once we had packed away after morning tea the children were eager to explore throughout their room. way was time for another big play. The children enjoyed and were so engaged in the following self-select activities:
- Dinosaur play – Using the big wooden blocks the children enjoyed construction towers and adding the dinosaur on different levels of the building. They are really engaging in dinosaur imaginative play around here and they also loving making dinosaur noises.
- Role-playing in-home corner, Peyton, Lidia, Avery, Mia thoroughly enjoyed role-playing in-home corner as they ‘’drank’’ from the wooden cups and fed their babies.
- The car area is always a favourited space as they enjoyed racing the cars around the mat and through the garage.
As time was flying by we swiftly packed away as Miss Gabi placed different colour magnetic sand for all to enjoy! They loved manipulating the magnetic sand into different shapes and practicing their colours in a fun way! They LOVED this sensory group experience!
It was a lovely morning, to finish off this morning they helped to tidy up the magnetic sand before venturing outside before a tasty lunch and energising rest for this afternoon’s whirl of fun.
Thank you all for today♥
See you all soon,
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Storm xx