07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good Afternoon families,

We have had an amazing day here in Toddler 2. Today we welcome our new friend Tua Jr. into our room for his first day 🙂
This morning, Miss Thais, Miss Bec, and Miss Maddy welcomed our friends into the yard where we enjoyed riding bikes, climbing on the net bridge, making sandcastles, and sliding down the slide. We then sat down where we shared a morning tea outside with our friends from Toddler One. Today the children were able to pick their own fruit of choice from the bowl and help themselves to the fruit toast. They eat so much when they can choose themselves! 🙂
After morning tea, Miss Bec took some of us inside one by one to do some painting. We all love painting so much that we never want to stop. We used our different colours, and different sized paintbrushes, incorporating and improving our fine motor skills.
Miss Thais then started our “Book Week” activity for the day. This is where she put on the song “We are Going On A Bear Hunt”. She took the children on a hunt outside, climbing over different obstacles which were ‘trees’, ‘mud’ etc. The children absolutley love this song/game, as they followed all around the yard.
We then transitioned inside where we washed our hands and sat down for lunch which was meatballs and roast veggies, YUM!

We hope you had a beautiful day.

Much Love Miss Bec, Miss Thais and Miss Maddy