Happy Wednesday everyone, hope your all having a wonderful week so far .Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Hendrix, Charlotte, Luca, Quinn, Alanis, Ivy and Latika.

Today Miss Shelby brought in the balancing beam and bridge for the children to practice their climbing and balancing on which everyone loved being able to do inside.

While waiting for our friends to arrive Miss Shelby sat down with Quinn and Charlotte for some conversational reading, together they looked at a animal book where Quinn recoginsed the duck saying duck and the banana saying ”na na”. and Charlotte made the noise of a elephant and said ”its a mummy elephant.

Today Miss Shelby sang a Japanese Greeting song using felts, while singing th e song the children learnt how to say Hello, Good bye, thank you and go to sleep in Japanese. Miss Shelby also sang Old McDonald had a farm using her finger puppets with Charlotte, Hendrix, Quinn, Ivy and Luca to extend on Quinn recognising the duck in the book, while singing the song the children made the noises of a cow, pig, duck, horse and sheep.

Miss Shelby set up a activity in the tough adding some brown paint to create mud and some horse figurines to extend on Hendrix’s interest of horses yesterday. Hendrix, Ivy and Latika enjoyed moving the horses through the mud.

We also enjoyed doing dancing to baby shark as Charlotte started singing the words to the song and some animal songs.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais