Happy Wednesday everyone! Today in the Toddler room the children had so much fun engaging in a variety of planned and spontaneous experiences as well as having fun with their peers. The children had a wonderful time expressing their creativity painting and decorating Indigenous prints and images. Some of our friends kept busy engaging in sensory playdough play while utilising the recycled fruit cups, rollers, shape cutters and feathers to make creations and use their imagination  to play. Yarn time today we shared stories brought along by Ellie, Ivy and Miss Jess from their homes. The children love to share story books for group time and particular enjoy choosing their favourite stories from Miss Leesa’s collection. This afternoon we are going to learn an Indigenous children’s song called ‘Inanay’ as well as a song about a crocodile. Other play experiences today included role play with the recycled materials in home corner, taking care of the baby dolls and placing the nappies on the babies, doll house play, transport play with the fire station and playing the multicultural musical instruments.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess