What a beautiful morning we had today! The children spent most of it outside exploring the sandpit, having wheelbarrow races around the yard and honing their gross motor skills on the obstacle course. The Lego set was requested this morning and the children’s eyes lit up as Miss Leesa collected it from the cupboard. Straight away the children were engrossed in building whatever they desired including transport vehicles, farms and tall buildings. A few of the children then transitioned to explore Home Corner to identify and negotiate roles during baby doll play.
During Yarn Time, Miss Leesa used the puppets as she sang nursery rhymes with the children. The Toddlers sang along and performed the actions to some of their favourite song including Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Turtle, Galomp and Row, row your boat. It was then time for a yummy lunch of meatloaf, roasted vegetables and gravy.
Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess