Happy Wednesday everyone!!! hope your all having a wonderful week so far, today Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Kezia, Luca, Hendrix, Quinn, Alanis, Alexia, Ivy, Latika, Luca and Charlotte.
This morning while we waited for all our friends and Miss Thais to arrive, Ivy pointed to the Humpty Dumpty piano book up on the book shelf so Miss Shelby got it down and sat down with Ivy. Our friends Quinn, Luca and Charlotte joined in with us has they had a turn at pressing the buttons on the piano to make music. Miss Shelby sang if your happy and you know it that was in the book with Ivy, Charlotte, Quinn, Luca and Kezia singing along and doing the actions to the song.
We had very good helpers after morning tea time with many of our friends wanting to help clean the tables with the soapy water spray bottle and cleaning cloths. Luca, Charlotte, Quinn, Hendrix, Alanis and Kezia demonstrated self-help skills, independence as well as sharing and turn taking as they helped clean the tables together.
Miss Shelby brought in her special multicultural drums to do a drumming experience with the children, first Miss Thais demonstrated how to use the drum and drum sticks and then the children had the choice if they wanted a turn at playing the drum. Playing the drum allows the children to use their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills as they learn to coordinate tapping the drum sticks onto the drum.
The children painted some multicultural dolls today using a variety of different coloured paint and sponge brushes to paint with, they had the choice of what coloured paint they wanted to use first with Ivy and Hendrix using the red paint, Charlotte used the brown paint, Kezia ,Alexia and Alanis chose to use the green paint and Quinn and Latika choosing to use the black paint.
Miss Thais brought out some puzzles as this was a interest yesterday with Luca Quinn and Kezia exploring the shape sorting puzzle they sorted the different wooden shaped pieces and placed them onto the wooden stand.Ivy and Charlotte were busy playing in the recycling boxes we created last week where they both were having fun singing ”row, row, row, you boat” and Alexia was interested in the twinkle twinkle little star book as she showed Miss Shelby while she was singing the words to the song.
Before having luch everyone joined Miss Shelby on the mat for a multicultural story Handa’s surprise, while looking at the pictures in the story Latika recognised and named some of the fruit as she pointed to where the pineapple was saying ”pineapple”and where the apple was saying apple”. She also pointed to the picture of the Kangaroo.Hendrix said he could she the banana saying” there banana”.
REMINDER- if you have received your Christmas hamper tickets, please give the $5 to Miss Shelby, Miss Thais or to the office and bring in a present for the hamper basket before the Christmas party on Thursday 12th December. If you haven’t received your tickets please ask Miss Shelby or Miss Thais for your tickets.
Miss Shelby and Miss Thais