Welcome to Wet Weather Wednesday! This morning, the toddler friends went outside to inspect the rain and have a look at the yard. After feeling the rain, Sophie commented that “it’s cold. The rain is cold Miss Jess.” Ellie felt the sand that was at her feet and said “the sand is wet. The rain made it wet.” The children found the puddles intriguing and wanted to go jumping in all the puddles. William explained that “gumboots. Jump in puddles.”
After a yummy morning tea of fruit and yoghurt, the toddlers delved right into the activities. Miss Leesa set up the playdough on the table with a few accessories. Straight away the Toddlers were at the table rolling out the dough, creating dough castles and other wonderful masterpieces.On the mat, Harley, Ryan, Ellie and Harvey worked together to build a big train track for their trains. Ivy and Sophie cooked together in Home Corner. Joey, Sophie and Kaylee role played with the dolls house. While Harry explored the light table and experimented with mixing the colours together by placing them on top of each other.
We then had a visitor right outside our classroom window. A bird came over to get out of the rain and was singing. The children watched the bird as he sang for a few minutes before he flew away.
Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess