Hello families and friends and welcome to ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ in the Toddler room. Today the children had so much fun playing with their peers as they were given the opportunity to engage in a variety of child initiated and intentional teaching experiences. This morning Kaylee came along to kindy in her bright yellow tutu, so we all decided to play dress-ups and dance after morning tea with the beautiful costumes donated by Kaylee’s Grandma a few months ago. The children twirled and held hands to dance in pairs as they proudly showed off their dress-ups. Ryan and William recently brought along some recycled materials from home including egg cartoons, yoghurt and fruit cup containers for use in the Toddler room. Today we decided to use these items in home corner to engage in make-believe play. Ellie , Harley and Ivy had a wonderful time pretending to be chefs as they cooked and utilised the recycled containers to store pretend food. Miss Leesa then prepared an art experience for the children to express their creativity. The children chose the colours for painting. Harry chose blue paint as he carefully utilised the cotton buds to create patterns across his page. All the children were then given the opportunity to paint as they identified the colours and created pictures. The children demonstrated very good fine motor, hand/eye coordination skills as they painted. Other play experiences today included role play with the animal figurines, working collaboratively together to complete the transport puzzles, baby doll play, doll house play and sharing books in quiet area. WOW! What a super fun day in the Toddler room today…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess