Good afternoon Senior kindy families, what a lovely day we have had today exploring the indoor and outdoor environment. This morning at group time Miss Bec read the children a book about transportation and we learnt what each different vehicle was used for. After our morning tea today we were invited to watch a very cool show about recycle man. The children learnt about which different bits of rubbish went into which bin and helped recycle man sort out the rubbish. The children really enjoyed this experience and were super helpful.
After the Recycle man show the children went indoors for activity time, this morning our activities were based on shape threading which helped us to develop on our cognitive skills, fine-motor skills and social development. The children were able to familiarize themselves with each different shape as they turned the shapes into necklaces and stacked them into towers. To continue on with our interest in letters we decide to explore another letter based activity using pink magic sand and putting our wooden coloured letters into the magic sand. The children loved creating sandcastles out of the magic sand as they developed on their sense of touch and feel for different textures. Seeyou all again tomorrow for another fun-filled day, love Miss Alicia, Miss Bec and Miss Aaliyah xx