Good afternoon Senior Kindy families, what a fun morning we have had today! It was awesome to see so many amazing costumes for book week day 2 today, we all enjoyed showing off our costumes with each other. We had a special visitor today that came and did a scientific experiment with us. The children were very intrigued about the experiment which consisted of creating colourful wriggly worms that the children have been given so that they can each take them home. Afterwards we spent most of our mornings indoors due to the wet weather so we occupied ourselves with some playdough play and exploring the toys in the room.
After it ad stopped raining we went outdoors for a nice play exploring some of our favourite outdoor activities which included riding bikes, going on the swings and building sandcastles. Just a little reminder we are dressing up as farmers on thursday as part of book week due to the interest expressed by the children in our cow milking activity that we explored last friday. Seeyou all again tomorrow, love Miss Alicia, Miss Bec and Miss Aliyah xx