Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂
Happy Tuesday, this morning we welcomed our friends into the big yard where we had lots of fun with many activities. We started off with building blocks as Harrison, Harper, Rennick, Myla, Madalyn and Jacob all had a turn at building castles, houses and snakes.
We had Colton, Henry, Ariana and Sayde racing around on the bikes as they took turns being the traffic light dictating whether they could go or had to stop.
We had a dance party in the tree house which saw Ariana, Grace, Delila, Bjorn, Lincoln, Cohen, Colton, and Zarah show off their amazing dance moves. This morning we listened to Aladdin, The floor is lava, dance monkeys and frozen.
We then played a big game of hide and seek as Bjorn, Lachlan, Cohen and Lincoln all wanted Miss Tiff to find them.
We then did our morning meditation before heading inside for morning tea.
Our activity time saw half the class head out with Miss Connie and the dinosaur experience set up. We had dinosaur reading, dinosaur puzzles and dinosaur role play.
Inside Miss Tiff created a race track which has been contact down on the ground fro the class to race their cars around.
We then headed outside to enjoy some fresh air before coming inside to have lunch and rest time.
This afternoon we will enjoy afternoon tea,
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie x