Good afternoon Senior Kindy rooms, as the children have been expressing a lot of interest in letters this week so we decided to extend on this by providing the children with another letter experience. Today we created alphabet bingo and the children were required to match the letters up to the matching letter on the bingo sheet. The children were very focused as they participated in this experience. Miss Alicia sat down with the children and guided them in matching up the letters by asking them what letter looked the same on the on the sheet as the letter that they were holding.
We will continue on throughout this week providing fun, adventurous letter based activities for the children to explore so that they are able to develop on their social skills, literacy skills and cognitive development.
After our activities we decided to enjoy a nice play outdoors, testing our balance on the obstacle course, riding bikes, swings and building sandcastles. Seeyou all this afternoon, love Miss Alicia, Miss Bec and Miss Aliyah xx
As the photos are not uploading again we will have a printout of photos of our day displayed up on our door for you to take a look at.