This morning we welcomed Ryan, Henry, Lachlan, Harrison, Myla, Ivy, Madelyn, Amelia, Finley, Grace, Colton, Jacob, Charlotte and Harper. As the morning began and Miss Tiff and Miss Bek arrived to Kindy we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful morning. This morning we were in the yard along the side of the car park with the two slides. This morning we had set up tenpin bowling and connect four. We also had the exploration of our imagination. Harrison and Colton headed to the tenpin bowling first each getting a ball to bowl with, the first attempts proved unsuccessful, both a little disheartened took a second looked and analysed how to be better next time, with Harrison making the comment of needing to be faster! Jacob, Ivy, Myla, Grace and Madelyn joined Miss Tiff in a game of connect four. The concept and rules of the game were a little difficult to comprehend so Ivy thought a good idea would be to have a race to see who could put as many tokens in the holes, the winner was the fastest person to fill a whole column. Ryan, Lachlan, Finley, and Henry headed to the slides; they took turns going up before racing each other down. Miss Bek standing at the top of the slide counting down for them to race off. Amelia, Harper and Charlotte created their own game playing amongst the trees. Harrison, Harper, Henry, Colton and Ivy all participating in soccer. |
Before long it was time for morning tea so we headed inside to get ourselves ready before enjoying the fresh fruit, coconut and slice. |
After morning tea, we headed to the matt for group time. We began with our acknowledgment to land before singing our good morning song. This morning for group time Miss Tiff shared a memory of her getting to meet the characters from Winnie the Pooh! We the read “Winnie the Pooh, the boy, the bear and the balloon”. Before having a discussion around doing something special for Miss Bek and her baby. When asked what they wanted to do Amelia responded with the want to make a picture and special card for her. So we got everything ready |
Our indoor play began with those who wanted to participate made a special card for Miss Bek and her baby. We got to select the colour of our card, we then used colouring pencils, felts, glue and glitter to create a master piece! Red- Amelia, Grace, Myla, Ivy, Henry and Charlotte Blue- Harrison and Lachlan Green- Harper, Finley, Madelyn, Ryan and Jacob Orange- Colton. After the class finished their cards they then headed off for free play. Colton, Harrison, Jacob, Finley and Henry headed to the construction area, got out the wooden blocks and started building. Harrison handed out animals to everyone and they then proceeded to build homes for the animals. Lachlan and Ryan played with the dinosaur puzzle’s, taking turns they completed each puzzle before moving on to the next. Harper, Amelia, Grace, Ivy, Charlotte, Myla and Madelyn were all playing together moving between home corner and the chair in the parents’ hub they were playing families with Harper being sick and needing to head to the doctor to get herself checked out. Their role playing of being sick and going to the doctors was based around “the virus” as Charlotte described it. As it headed towards 11 we begun to tidy the class and then took turns making beds and putting on sunscreen to get ready to head outside. We headed outside up to the slide yard, where we further explored tenpin bowling and connect four. We also had hopscotch set up in the top area. This morning the children explored the “significant risk” of play as they took turns climbing up and along the fence that runs along the stairs. They all did really well in terms of being aware of the need to wait and to take turns, there was no pushing and they all took their time whilst climbing. This showing their ability to further develop their problem solving skills. |
We then headed inside for lunch where we enjoyed lasagne and salad for lunch. |
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do. |
This afternoon tea was enjoyed by all! The class loves the pita crisps and fresh fruit. |
This afternoon will see us shake and dance to some of our favourite tunes |
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek <3