This morning we welcomed Ryan, Henry, Lachlan, Harrison, Myla, Ivy, Madelyn, Billy, Amelia, Grace, Colton, Rennick, Jacob, Charlotte, Ayla and Harper.

Transition into the Pre-Kindy room is Everly and Poppy who both spent some time with us today.

This morning we were in the slide yard which runs next to the car park. The children really enjoy being in this yard with the slides and when able we open up to the top area which means they can interact with the babies and toddlers.

This morning we headed up to the yard at 8am here with us was Myla, Rennick, Ryan and Grace. Because we only had Miss Tiff with us to begin we stayed in the bottom area which meant we had the opportunity to climb up the slides. Miss Tiff stood at the top of the slides and then we had races going down. It was Ryan vs Grace and Rennick vs Myla. We were then joined by Jacob, Colton, Madelyn, Charlotte, Ivy, Amelia, Henry, Lachlan, Billy, Harper and Harrison. Miss Connie also joined us which meant we were able to open up the gate and go between both areas. Miss Tiff headed to the top along with the Colton, Henry, Rennick and Jacob we brought up with us soccer balls and we spent the morning practicing our kicking. We would all kick the ball to Miss Tiff and then she had to run around chasing the ball to kick it back to us.

Miss Connie was down by the slides as she watched Billy, Harper, Ryan and Lachlan race down the slides. Ryan showing off his skills of being able to add a roley poley at the end of his slide.

We also had the a few seesaws in the bottom area which saw the class take turns throughout the morning.


This morning Miss Connie and Miss T’arn served us up some yummy slice with fresh fruit.

During meal times we make an effort to have 1 educator sitting alongside the children eating the food to talk and encourage the class to try new things.

Miss Tiff was out of the room on programming which saw Miss T’arn join Miss Connie for the morning.

For group time today Miss Connie read the story “The Dot”. An endearing story of a little girl who believed she was unable to paint. When really all along she was an artisit as she was able to paint her very own dot.

Miss Connie spoke with the children talking about how each of us are able to do different things, painting different pictures and if you only try then everyone is able to be an artist.

Our intentional teaching or teacher directed activities were extension from reading “The Dot”. Miss Nads brought the class some dot stickers for us to be able to create our own master pieces. We also did our own paintings, our very own interpretation of a dot.

Whilst Miss Connie worked with small groups the rest of the class selected their own areas of play. At this time, we also welcomed our transitions Poppy and Everly.

Harper, Grace, Charlotte, Everly, Poppy, Amelia Madelyn and Ayla all headed to the home corner together they all did such an amazing job welcoming Poppy and Everly into the Pre-Kindy classroom. They set up a tea party once enjoying their tea party they all the proceed to follow Harper as they marched around the room to decided what they were going to do next. Once through the classroom the all agreed upon drawing on the new blackboard easels in the art area.

Colton, Rennick and Jacob spent their time with the wooden building blocks and the dinosaurs. They built the dinosaurs a house in order to keep them “safe and dry from the storm that was coming” describe Colton.

Henry, Lachlan and Ryan sat with Miss T’arn as they completed the dinosaur puzzles.

A few of our dot art work;

Children’s voices:

Colton “Made my name and put dots on it”

Harper “My name H978 but it has dots”

Grace “It’s my name, I followed the lines. The colours are blue, green, red and yellow”

Amelia “I wrote my name and put the dots on it blue, red, green and yellow”.

Lasagne for lunch today was a hit a amongst nearly all of the class!
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do.
The class always looks forward to afternoon tea to fuel their tummies for the afternoon.
This afternoon will see us shake and dance to some of our favourite tunes


With love ,

P.s. Photos are printed and disp