Jingeri! Following on from a few soup and potion making interests from yesterday, Miss Shannan set up the big trough outside in the yard and filled it with water, flowers, coloured dye and rosemary to allure our senses. The children were quick to dive straight into this activity using various cups and measuring jugs to extend their curiosity and imagination. We discussed the colours that we mixed into the water, first it was blue and then we added red and the children mixed it around, ‘Look now its purple!’ Hendrix was quick to announce. Macy placed her jugs down on the ground and used a dropper to transfer her ‘potion’ between two different sized cups, She was very proud to show Miss Shannan how she could use the dropper. Taran took care to pour the water from one cup to the other, commenting on which one had more each time, ‘Look now this one has it all’. Arakan today was absolutely loved by all of the children! They each took turns using all their strength to punch the pads with Mr Dan. They raced for the little pillows and practiced their speed and agility as they ran them back to the finish line. Zachary valued some quality bike riding today, touring around the yard and often stopping to ask Christopher for a race – who happily obliged with his big truck, taking Zachary to the start line ‘ready, go!’ and they would be off. Bonnie, Owen, Harper and Macy spend quite some time acting out the various characters in the doll’s house, often taking the characters on adventures around the yard together, chasing each other about. They decided to use the small sponges in the sensory trough to give their little people a bath and wash the house. |
Our friends were really engaged in their drawing this morning, taking some time to ponder over what they were creating, then focusing down in their colour choices for their pictures.
Just a few quick reminders!
Tomorrow is ‘Special Heart Day’ so don’t forget to dress up in pink, red or hearts and bring a gold coin donation to raise funds for Heart Kids.
Also next Thursday is our Tooth Booth Dental Show at 10:30, if you would like your child to attend, please fill out the form located on the room door.
Thank you!
Miss Shannan