07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Enrolment Information

Welcome to the Riversdale Early Learning Centre. We’d love to welcome you to our little community and nurture your little ones.

Places at Riversdale Early Learning Centre are often quite limited, so the most important thing is to have your Enrolment Form/Waiting List form completed and either delivered or sent to us as early as possible.  The waiting list is managed in chronological order, so it is first in best dressed.  Siblings of children currently attending the Centre are given priority.   Should you choose to send an enquiry by email, it may also be a good idea to give us a call so we can have a chat, and also let you know how long the waiting list is, and the likelihood of imminent placement.

Once we have an enrolment form, and it appears that a place may be imminent, we always like to have a face-to-face chat so that we can show you the Centre, and your child also has a chance of becoming slightly familiar with the surroundings, staff and children with whom he/she will be relating once he has a spot at Riversdale Early Learning Centre.   Parents will then be notified when a place for their child has been reserved at the Centre.  Upon being offered a place, a booking fee of $50 is payable.  This may be at the time of application, or in times when places are rare, as soon as they become available.  Once your child has been admitted to the Centre, it is your responsibility to keep the information recorded on your enrolment form current.  This is of vital importance, in an emergency.

Priority of Access is in accordance with the Family Assistance Office ChildCare Benefit Guidelines as described below:


Priority 1 – a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Priority 2 – a child of a single parent or on the part of two parents, both parents who satisfy the work/training/study test under section 14 of the “A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
Priority 3 – any other child

An interview will be conducted with each family prior to admission and parents will be required to complete the necessary forms, including a record of vaccinations.  The Child Care Benefit Application will need to be lodged with the Family Assistance Office. 


Start Your Journey With Us

"The greatest gifts we can give children is the roots of Responsibility and the wings of Independence" Denis Waitley