OSHC on Friday 17th September 2021

Hello Familes. Welcome to the OSHC page for the last day of term 3. A quiet day as Sienna, Scarlett, Lucasand Tia combined with Kindy 1 & 2 in the playground. The children had their hair painted purple for awareness and respect for the late Olivia Douglas. Tia...

OSHC on Thursday 16th September 2021

Hello OSHC families. Welcome back to another before and after school Care post. This morning Lucas played games of naughts and crosses, while Tia, Violet and Hazel took turns to practice their writing and drawing skills on the chalk boards. Outdoors Arianna and Sophia...

OSHC on Wednesday 15 September 2021

Hello families, welcome to the Before and after school Care page. This morning we set up balance beams in a square with steps in between the beams. A green dot to start and a red dot to stop.  The tricky part was that they were not allowed to touch the ground or they...

OSHC on Tuesday 14th September 2021

Hello OSHC families. Happy Tuesday. This morning Jordan, and Lucas rallied with games of footy. Lucas mentored Jordan of ways to do a backward pass. “Can we play Auz Tag now” asked Lucas. The boys sorted belts and tags, using negotiation skills to outline the field...

OSHC on Monday 13 September 2021

Hello OSHC Families. Welcome back to the Before and after school Care on this lovely sunny day. This morning the children helped to set up an obstacle course in the playground. Creative thinking as they positioned balance beams and hoops going up to the tree house and...

OSHC on Friday 10th September 2021

Hello Families, Welcome to the OSHC page on this Fabulous Friday. A quiet morning as Kindergarten 1 & 2 joined us outdoorsin the playground. Tia helped others on the swing while Scarlett and Sienna took turns on the hopscotch mat. Intentional teaching of the...