Pre-Kindy Friday 01st October

Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂 Happy Friday, hope everyone is looking forward to their long weekend 🙂 Today we had a full class with 22 children ! We began our morning in. the big yard. Due to the weather last night we got a visit from a big cane toad. This...

Pre-Kindy Thursday 30th September

Good Afternoon Pre-Kndy Families and a Happy Thursday to all 🙂 Today was a wet weather day which saw us spend the morning inside. We enjoyed so many resources! Charlotte, Ariana, Alex Conall and Harper spent the morning with Miss Tiff doing the alphabet floor puzzle....

Pre-Kindy Wednesday 29th September

Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families ! Happy Hump day:) This morning we headed out to the slide yard where we all engaged in some slide races. We have person vs person slide races as well as car vs . The excited on the car vs car races saw the boys predict who’s...

Tuesday 28th September

Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂 Happy Tuesday, this morning we welcomed our friends into the big yard where we had lots of fun with many activities. We started off with building blocks as Harrison, Harper, Rennick, Myla, Madalyn and Jacob all had a turn at...

Monday 27th September

Good Afternoon Pre-kindy families 🙂 Happy Monday, we hope you all had a great weekend and are looking forward to the weekend ahead. Today we began our morning in the Pre-Kindy classroom, due to the rain we remained inside for the morning. We started off with drawing...

Pre-Kindy Thursday 23rd September :)

Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂 Happy Thursday, we hope that you have all had a great week as we have. Today was a busy day as we welcomed so many friends to kindy! We began our day in the side yard where we had drawing and what’s the time mr wolf in motion....