Happy Friday! This morning we welcomed our friends, Hudson, Ruby, Toby, Abel, Parker, Archie, Hunter, Orion, Lincoln, Aria, Rumi, Isabelle, Kezia and Alanis. The children spent their morning in the big yard riding bikes, stepping on the stepping stones and playing...
Happy last day of September! This morning our friends spent their morning in the big yard, climbing on the obstacle course, making cupcakes in the sandpit, swinging on the swing and engaging in water play. Once all of our friends had arrived, we headed indoors for...
Hello Senior Kindy, This morning we welcomed our friends Hudson, Nayla, Toby, Dominic, Abel, Millie, Archie, Orion, Banjo, Rosie, Aria, Lincoln, Rumi, Kezia, Tua, Zilo and Lincoln W. Our friends spent their morning in the big yard engaging with one another, stepping...
Happy Friday!! Today our friends spent their morning in the slide yard where we had bean bag throwing competitions, jumped over obstacle hurdles, played “what’s the time Mr. Wolf” and played with some blocks. Once we had a good play and all of our...
Good afternoon Senior kindy families, what a lovely, busy day we have had exploring our indoor and outdoor environments. The children expressed excitement over the activities this morning and were eager to go out and participate in these experiences. As the children...
Hello Senior Kindy! This morning our friends spent their morning in the small yard, throwing the ball around, playing with blocks and engaging in stories. We then moved over to the big yard so our soccer friends could have their lesson. Once all of our friends had...