
Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you had as wonderful day as us in the Kindergarten Two room. Here’s a little snippet!

Ivy and Harper slipped and slided their way up and down the slides. At one point they managed to position themselves within the slide in such a way that they could relax and have a chat together.

Hendrix and Owen spent some time diggings waterfalls and flowing tunnels in the sand pit. They carefully dug away the sand, cautious not to let the sand collapse. Ryan also enjoyed his time in the sandpit burying the dinosaurs deep in the sand. “Look Miss Shannan, his head is pointing out”.

Riley and Christopher were racing around the bike track today, speeding in through the tunnel and around the hill.

At group time this morning, we went through the “Jolly phonics” identifying the letters of the alphabet and practising their associated sounds. When the E came up on computer, Ella quickly called, “E, that’s for my name!”. The children requested the dreamtime stories again today. We had a group vote on which one to read; How the birds got their colours, Tiddalick and The rainbow serpent. The rainbow serpent won and the children eagerly listened along to the story, calling out what they recalled was going to happen next.

The children were very creative today, sourcing the crayons and pencil from the shelf, along with different coloured pages from the drawers. They set to work on their creations, cutting and gluing away.

During our afternoon group time, we read the story “Greta and the giants”. We have been reading this book during rest time this week and the children had been visualising the images in their minds. They enjoyed taking this time now to make links to the story that they were hearing and what they could now see in the images of the book. The book tells the story of giants who are destroyed the homes of animals and the forest itself. Greta and her friends work alongside to animals to make a stand against the giants and save their homes and the forest. The children have really enjoyed listening to this book, making many connecting between the giants in the story and the way we must look after our home, the Earth. Owen made a significant connection today “Are we the giants?”. “Yes, we are Owen. So what does that mean we need to do differently to the giants in the book?”. The children replied, “We need to look after the forest” – Ivy, “We have to protect the animals” – Bonnie, “And keep them safe!” – Ryan. We discussed as a group ways that we can look after the environment and keep the animals safe. “Put our rubbish in the bin” – Macy, “Pick up the rubbish” – Harper.

After our discussion, Taran requested the scarecrow book. Miss Shannan put the music on, Owen and Hendrix took place on the queen chair flicking the pages to the book, and the remainder of the children quickly jumped up ready to dance and sing. “I’m a dingle dangle scarecrow!”. The children really enjoyed this activity, laying down like the sleepy animals and jumping up with Miss Shannan to dance like the scarecrow each verse. Oh what fun we had! “Again, again!” – Hendrix cheered. We sang and danced to the scarecrow song twice with transitioning to put on our hats, shoes and sunscreen and wash our hands for afternoon tea. To transition, Miss Shannan incorporated an ICT activity, in which the children completed an interactive colour game on the computer with the assistance of Miss Shannan. Miss Shannan read out the name of the colour, and the children selected which image in the line up matched the name.

Thank you,

Miss Shannan 😊