Hello families, welcome to Friday in Babies’ 3,
This morning we welcomed Isla, Matthew, Jhye, Adeleine, Daris and Shayaan with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Once a few of our friends had arrived for the day we headed over to our room., Jhye and Isla and Daris rushed over to the animal table, picking up all the different animals, making the sounds as they stomped them around the table. Adeleine was exploring the room holding onto her favourite blue teddy, she soon engaged in play over at the doll’s house with Isla.
The garbage truck arrived outside, and we all raced to the door with excitement. Daris and Jhye were yelling “truck” Shayaan was a little unsure and had big cuddles with Mel. We watched as the truck lifted the bins up into the air to empty them. It was very exciting!! We waved goodbye to the truck and Adeleine and Shayaan headed over to home corner to cook up a storm,
Shayaan sat on the mat with the ring stacker, we have noticed how much Shayaan loves fine motor activities. Soon his friend Daris joined him. Daris began pointing to the shape sorter. Mel sat with her friends and encouraged Daris and Shayaan to use the trial-and-error method as they tried to place the shapes into the correct space. Adeleine spent time playing with the spinning toy, manipulating the rings to fit on top and watching as they spun around and around.
We cleaned up our room to the “clean up song” and sat on the mat with Miss Otavia as it was time for morning tea. We sung ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea. Today we enjoyed mango coconut granola cups.
After dancing we headed back over to our room for a fun activity. Extending on Shayaan’s interest in fine motor Miss Otavia planned a fine motor experience using a colander and colourful pipe cleaners.It was dancing time with Miss Jen from Funky Feet!!!! We headed over to Babie’s 2. Miss Jen pulled out the rainbow parachute and laid it on the rug, we couldn’t sit on it quick enough, we loved looking at all the bright colours. We danced around the room to some favourite songs, naming different parts of our bodies and demonstrating self-expression and coordination as we moved our bodies. Our favourite was hopping around like bunnies.
This colander pipe cleaner fine motor skills activity is a great fine motor activity for our babies because it’s literally them using their hands and minds to make this activity work.
We all sat in a circle on the mat and practiced taking turns. Using our hand/eye coordination and concentration we all threaded the pipe cleaners threw the tiny holes and were we proud of ourselves too. Clapping and cheering ourselves and each other!!! It was lots of fun, we sat engaged in this activity for some time.
After our activity was over, we continued to explore our inside environment as it was too wet outside. Home corner was popular as was mirror play. Jhye, Matthew and Adeleine were giggling and pulling faces at their reflections in the mirror. Isla and Adeleine took turns of making their own music banging on the drum. Daris lined up the rainbow blocks in a line and Matthew was busy role playing on the telephone while Shayaan was stacking blocks.
For group time today we all sat on the mat with Miss Otavia who had a new book in her hands. Demonstrating our listening skills as Miss Otavia began to read. This was a story about us all being one but different, different but the same. We loved looking at the bright colourful pictures. Daris showed lots of excitement when Miss Otavia turned tot the picture of the rainbow. We made animal noises and car noises together too. We really enjoyed this story.
It was time to wash our hands for lunch and rest time. Miss Otavia sung our transition song “bumble bee” to take turns meeting Miss Lias in the bathroom where she was waiting to assist us washing our hands. We then walked over and sat at the table for our yummy lunch. Today we had a Mexican Fiesta.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music.
Our afternoon play will be child led outdoor experiences depending on the weather. .
Wishing all our families a wonderful and safe long weekend.
See you all next week.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxxx