Welcome to our Wednesday in the Babies 1 room!
What a fan-fairy-tastic day we have had today!! This morning we were welcomed by Orion and Quinn and not long after arrived our other friends Alanis, Vaughan, Bentley, Luca and Millie. What a wonderful group of friends we have today.

We started our morning off inside with Miss Jess, playing with the textured balls and free drawing with our new crayons Miss Nadeen bought us. Luca and Vaughan were playing rolly polly with the balls and seeing how far they could roll them. Quinn was happily reading her book while Millie, and Orion were happy to explore around the room. Bentley enjoys the squishy animals and even thought they were sweet to taste!! 😊 Alanis is getting very confident in showing us how she walks!!!! Woohooo well done Alanis 😊

Before lunch time we headed outside to see what fun was set up for us to play with!! Vaughan was excited by the animals outside on the table especially the dinosaurs. Orion, Bentley, Millie and Alanis were intrigued by the musical instruments set out on the mat especially the rattles! Luca was having a ball running around outside with the musical instruments making lots of wonderful music. Miss Kate was showing Orion the different types of scarves she had bought in for the children to explore their imagination and to form more sensory development skills. Orion loved the different textures of the scarves.

We had a big fun day today and we hope you all have had a great day too.
Thank you Babies 1 for the great day
Love Miss Jess and Miss Kate xx