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Jingeri families,

Ruby, Cameron, Finley and Tairongo joined Miss Hansani and I for some play-based learning today. The rain has not dampwned our mood for a bit of outdoor fun, and the children were quite literally banging at the door to get out there. I am so proud of them for wanting some fresh air and raindrops.

Monday has seen the start of our introduction to the letter “H” for the week, and this opened up several avenues for learning through the course of the day. Ruby’s mum had brought in the most amazing textured wool, which we set Hanging from the Hula-Hoops to dangle on our Heads. We also spent some time focusing on the Human Head, talking about keeping our Hats on when we’re in the sun. This allowed us to incorporate our “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” group exercise song to get the blood flowing and learn name associations for body parts. Finley was completely struck by the noisy new Helicopter toy and even managed to find a picture of one in the his favorite book of vehicles (a.k.a “Toot-Toots”). Ruby found the book of numbers, which to my sheer delight had pictures of a Horse, a Hippopotamus and a Hand. Well done Ruby! Tairongo much preferred the Zoo book with the matching animal noises, and he roared with the lion. Cameron on the other hand, was only slightly into the books, as he was far more intrigued by roaming around the whole room. He is well and truly off now, confidently exploring the shelves and baskets for new adventures. However, the colored foam bricks are his all-time fave. Such a lovely day together.

I look forward to tomorrow