Good afternoon families and friends. Our Tuesday afternoon has been a very relaxed one. The children were offered a scissor activity to build their own unicorn. Some chose to do it, some did not. 😊 This was a fun experience with a discussion about how we were going to assemble our unicorns once we had cut them out and the importance of being very careful when using scissors. The etching art was also popular as the children discussed the patterns they were creating with the etching tool. Other things we have enjoyed doing were – stencil tracing, our disk connector set, Lego construction and our chat about our day. Everyone has enjoyed their afternoon. Just a message – could I please ask that parents remind their children that the meeting point for after school care pickup is at the school canteen area,(This is where I meet them to come back to kindy),  as some children are getting confused. Wishing you all a lovely evening.
Love from Miss Lyn & The Schoolies 😊💖😊