Good afternoon families and friends. This afternoon we celebrated National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, by having a discussion about Aboriginal artwork and famous artists. Showing the children some artwork by Albert Namatjira, and also a photo of him, we chatted about the colours in his paintings and how peaceful his paintings looked. This inspired the children to see if they could recreate his artwork by their interpretation. It was wonderful to see the children studying the  picture of the painting they chose to paint and chatting about mixing colours to create paint that was as close to those in the paintings that they could get. We have some budding artists in our midst I’m sure! Other activities the children engaged in were – small lego, colouring, pool noodle play and playing the musical instruments. We have had a lovely afternoon. See you all tomorrow. Love from Miss Lyn & The Schoolies. 😊💖😊🎨🎨