07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon to our lovely families,

Today has been a fantastic Thursday in Babies two. Today we combined with Babies one and welcomed Oskar into the room. Oskar had joined the room with his friends from last year it was amazing to see everyone interacting and playing together in babies two room. Today in babies two we had all explored the room waiting for Daris, Winston, Olivia, Bella-Rose, and Olive to arrive.

This morning we had some yummy morning tea and tried to hold the spoon correctly while eating. It was messy but we all gave it a go. Miss Jess and Miss T’arn encouraged us to try by ourselves, we need just a little more practice. After filling our tummies up, it was time to do some free painting. Miss T’arn had some yellow and pink paint for us to use with a paint brush. Once we all achieved a colourful painting we adventured off and explored the room. we played with dinosaurs, puzzles, home corner, blocks, and some dolls. After having some time to express our interest with the toys that are in the room our tummies were very hungry and we filled our tummies with some rice and vegetables.

If you could all bring in a Family Photo for our Family tree that we are currently creating that would be amazing. This helps provide the children with a sense of belonging.

Have a great evening!!

Much Love, Miss Jess, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia xx