Welcome to Babies 1 and HAPPY FRIDAY one and all! This morning we had a happy little group of 7 beautiful babies, including – Abel, Isabella, Willow, Kezia, Edward, Alexia and Jess! 😊 Firstly a HUGE thank you to Kate, Abel’s Mummy for donating so much art and craft supplies to us here in the Babies 1 room which will all go to good use! 😊
As stated everyday in our blog that the ABECEDARIAN APPROACH is such a big part of our days here to encourage language as a priority throughout the interactions we have with all of our children on a daily basis! We have also started a WORD WALL and we invite you to add to it as you hear your little one say a recognisable word in coloured speech bubble! Please ask Miss Kate or Miss Jess if you can’t see them in our room! This is how we are recording the child’s voice in a room! 😊 Kezia, Willow and Alexia responded well to ‘Language Priority’ today and are also our eldest friends in the room, so this is very rewarding to see and hear!
Jesse, Abel and Isabella loved exploring the home area this morning and self-selecting toys of interest. We respect the child’s agency in allowing them to freely explore our environment and play with what they choose. PLAY in the child’s work and their work is their PLAY as Italian theorist Maria Montessori stated. 😊
Edward is super strong now sitting solo most of his days and working on his six pack for summer! Music, dancing and singing is such an integral part of our days here in the Babies 1 room which we all respond really well too. 😊
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and we look forward to another fun filled week ahead with you all!
Miss Kate and Miss Jess. 😊 😊