Happy Friday to all our families on this beautiful day! Miss Jess welcomed just a small little group of 3 friends today – Quinn, Edward and Willow, just before Miss Kate arrived too for a fun day! We celebrated NAIDOC week this week and have been acknowledging and respecting the Aboriginal people by practicing our ‘Welcome to Country’ song with actions. Have you checked out our artwork display for NAIDOC week? We have also been listening to a wide range of Aboriginal music and the children responded well to the didgeridoo! Willow did her Aboriginal artwork collage picture, whilst herself and Quinn also participated in some crayon drawings. Edward practiced some tummy time on the boomerang cushion which he is getting stronger day by day – lots of smiles had exploring the rattles. Willow and Quinn initiated a game of peek a boo which was super cute to observe today. Children are effective communicators even when non-verbal with others, and we encourage this with lots of praise and positive reinforcement.
We wish all our families and friends a lovely weekend!
See you next week – Miss Kate and Miss Jess. 😊 😊