Friday 15th May 2020 – Babies1.

Happy Friday one and all from the bouncing Babies 1 Room on this fine day! We would like to start by saying what a wonderful week we have all had here alongside Miss Kate and lots of other familiar face for our Babies 1 friends. This can be linked to Bowlby’s theories as he believed that children who have a strong positive attachment to familiar educators use them as a safe base to explore their environments which is all what circle of security is all about too. I am personally a passionate advocate for this theory and believe it underpins children developing in all areas if they initially feel safe, secure and protected. This morning Miss Kate provided us with some playdough in a big tray to explore using cooking cutters and paddle pop sticks. All of the children participated confidently and freely. Some of the benefits of playdough include –
• Children are motivated to explore its sensory qualities.
• The playdough responds to the children’s actions and movements.
• It strengthens our hands and wrists in readiness for pre – literacy.
• Build’s on children’s imaginations.
• Develops self-esteem and confidence.
• It’s also calming and assists in relieving stress through their hands.
Scarlett and Edward self-selected the hand puppets from the shelf this morning with big smiles and laughs as they explored them. Outside play is always a favourite and little Miller couldn’t wait to check out the tent with the dolls in this morning. We also set up the sandpit for gross motor physical play, the rocking dinosaurs and duplo bricks on a cosy mat. Peyton always gives us a big beautiful smile when she hears us sing throughout the day – we can’t believe she is the big 1 next week!
Finally I have sent home a task for all our families to complete to act as family input into the Babies 1 Room in conjunction with NATIONAL FAMILIES WEEK. It should only take you 5 minutes to share with us what you get up to on the weekends so we can extend those interests here in our play based environments. Here is the link to NATIONAL FAMILIES WEEK so you can read all about it, which also has some other wonderful ideas and activities to do with all aged children! Have fun!

Have a wonderful safe weekend and we look forward to hearing all about what you got up to next week.

Many thanks, Miss Kate ♥