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Friday 3rd April 2020

Happy Friday Babies 1 families and friends on this great day with Miss Kate and Miss Jade. 😊 This morning the children were excited to participate making Easter collage pictures with bunny stickers alongside Miss Jade’s guidance as she scaffolded their learning to coordinate the stickers on big pieces of white paper – Bella especially loved doing this grabbing big handfuls of stickers as she smiled at her educators. 😊 We are in the process of sending Easter craft work home so be sure to collect your goodie bag from Miss Kate and we hope you like the homemade gifts your little one has created for you. 😊 Outside play was a wonderful experience this morning and Scarlett couldn’t wait to get outside alongside Miller who played in sandpit, the dolls in prams and our cubby tent to play peek-a-boo. 😊 Peyton initiated exploring the sensory bottles which she loves to shake to make noise whilst watching the different colours and textures. Peyton is also gaining in strength and coordination at pulling herself to stand at the little play gym. 😊
Wishing all our families a safe and happy weekend – Miss Kate and Miss Jade XX