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Happy Friday Parents and Friends!!! 🙂

What a wonderful day at babies room today!

We began our day exploring our play space outside combine with our friends from Babies 3 – Doris and Olive had a good time   searching for their self interest games those included sandpit, obstacles course , rock in the dinosaur,  dolls and big and big blocks – was a great space for new discoveries. The time flies when you are having fun then was time to come inside and started our daily routine.
After morning tea was time to explore our inside environment – Confidently, Olive and Doris crawl around the classroom looking for their self selected toys. The children took interest in blows in this morning – we spend some time rolling the bowls and trying to catch it – With a lot of giggles Doris and Olive got very excited when their could to catch the bowls – was a good experience to keep increasing their gross motor skills and also very fun! The experience extend to make bubbles and after catch to pop it. 🙂

Overall, here in babies one room, we have had a great adventure day, and explored everything with a big smiles and laughter. Was a fabulous Friday!

And also, we are looking forward to see Miss Kate back next Monday – Was a fabulous Friday!

I hope everybody have a beautiful weekend and also a very Happy Fathers day!

Check out the photos

With Love,
Miss Gabi