Friday 8th May 2020 – Babies 1. ♥
Happy Friday one and all! Miss Kate welcomed her Babies 1 friends this morning with big cuddles and we also had Jackson join us happily from the Babies 2 Room for the day! This morning we added to our FLOORBOOK which can be found in our room by our other regular books. It is called a FLOORBOOK because it lives on the floor and is designed for children to add anything they wish to it including drawings, photos, interests, observations, plans and reflections to name a few! Miss Kate usually initiates us adding to these books as we are still young but we gain a lot of learning such as imaginations extended, creativity and language development, which Scarlett and Edward found particularly intriguing. Feel free to ask if you would like to see our FLOORBOOK anytime! Jackson and Miller self-selected the train set with animals to explore and practice their creativity and independence skills fixing the tracks together with Miss Kate’s help. We have also seen the last of our Mother’s Day presents go home today in light of Sunday and would like to take this opportunity to wish all our beautiful Mum’s a great day! This morning the children had fun exploring their learning environments with curiosity, independence and confidence which links under learning outcome 4 of the EARLY YEARS LEARNING FRAMEWORK. Some of the activities we got up to included –
• FLOORBOOKS as mentioned above.
• MOTHER’S DAY CRAFTS as mentioned above.
• OUTSIDE PLAY – sandpit with trucks, tent with books, rattles on the mat, sensory mats and the rocking dinosaurs.
• SPONTANEOUS ACTION SONGS including our morning ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ to show respect and being connected to our world.
We use the developmental milestones and the 5 learning outcomes to guide our daily environments and interactions which can be either child or educator initiated or both! The learning that is taking place includes all areas of development to be extended whilst being in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Have a wonderful weekend and especially SUNDAY for celebrating our wonderful Mums for MOTHER’S DAY!
Much love Miss Kate ♥