07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello and welcome all to our fabulous Monday here in the Babies room 1 😊
This morning Miss Jess and our lovely Miss Tania who is stepping in for Miss Kate while she is away (some of you would recognise her as she is very familiar with your little ones) gave a warm greeting to all 6 gorgeous friends! They were Abel, Orion, Bentley, Millie, Edward and Oliver 😊
To start the morning off all friends when they arrived enjoyed a play outside before it got too hot! Our little ones are absolutely loving the new outdoor environment! They also rather enjoy the sandpit!! So much fun was had BUT it didn’t stop when they came inside that’s for sure!
Abel showed that he is now walking a lot more and becoming more confident in each step! As well as our friend Orion, Millie and Bentley! Soon enough they will be running circles around their teachers haha! Oliver and Edward are not too far as they are getting around the room so fast like speed lighting! So proud of how far all friends have come and we can not wait to see them blossom more and more 😊
Throughout the day all friends explored the room and played with many different toys! Abel had fun playing with the colourful rings and cars, Millie enjoyed playing with the trains alongside Oliver! Edward liked playing with the sensory bottles as well as Bentley! Orion loved the soft touch book that Miss Jess sat next to him to read it 😊
Lots of spontaneous singing throughout the day was had! Miss Jess also did some conversational reading with Millie and Abel, both responded well 😊
Such a wonderful day was had!
Thankyou Babies 1 for today!
See you all soon,
Miss Jess and Miss Tania xxx