Welcome to another fun filled week ahead in the Babies 1 Room and another week closer to Christmas! 😊 Miss Kate and Miss Jess welcomed just the 5 little friends on this beautiful day today including – Oliver, Orion, Edward, Millie and Abs! 😊
This morning we tried some healthy granola, fruit and yoghurt pizza for our morning tea which we all loved! It gave us energy to participate in a weekly yoga class with the lovely Miss Gabi! The children were exposed to bubbles, trying some simple poses, feathers and singing! 😊
Orion, Abel and Millie initiated exploring our sensory bottles which have been so popular in the Babies 1 Room. The children like rolling them and watching the things move around in the bottles being very confident, curious and involved learners. 😊
Edward and Oliver happily explored the home area learning environment checking out the pots, pans, dolls and play kitchen. We are play-based here at RELC which means providing learning opportunities for children to actively and imaginatively engage with people, objects and the environment. 😊
Lastly all children have been responding really well to spontaneous Christmas music and singing throughout their days spent with us. We really are getting into the festive spirit here in the Babies 1 Room. 😊
Thank you for a happy Monday friends!
Miss Kate and Miss Jess XX