MONDAY 27th JULY 2020 – BABIES 1.
Good day one and all from the Babies 1 Room with Miss Kate and Miss Gabi stepping in for Miss Lilly today! The children had a wonderful drop off this morning and couldn’t wait to explore both their inside and outside learning environments! 😊
After morning tea and our regular routine of the ‘Acknowledgment of Country’ the children had sleeps if needed and we ensure we stick to a guided flexible routine for them all to feel safe and secure! 😊
This morning Miss Kate had planned for us to do some messy play to increase our sensory skills using the shaving foam in the trough today! This is great way to learn and demonstrate our physical and cognitive skills as we feel the fluffy wet shaving foam between our fingers! 😊
The children are respected to self-select toys of interest throughout their days spent with us today and the basket of assorted rattles were popular today! We learn cause and effect skills as we make noises with the rattles and had lots of smiles to non-verbally show our enjoyment! 😊
Miss Gabi took some of beautiful children outside for a play where we loved the bubbles, duplo bricks, sandpit, wagons and balls to increase our physical gross motor development today! 😊
Thanks for a wonderful day Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Gabi. ♥ ♥