Hello to all our families and friends of the Babies 1 room for another fun filled week. 😊 On this sunny Monday morning we welcomed Alexia, Millie, Quinn, Alanis, Edward, Abel and Willow. Miss Jess and Miss Kate spontaneously sung lots of familiar nursery rhymes today to settle our children after their busy weekends and encourage language development. 😊 All of friends have had a settled day and are progressing along nicely with their developmental milestones throughout their time here by being in a supportive environment. Bowlby states that children who have a strong attachment to familiar educators have a safe base to explore the room and environment. Miss Kate spent some one-to-one conversational reading with all of our children to encourage their vocabulary and learning in a positive environment. A big THANK YOU to Shelby (Bentley’s Mum) for donating our new ball pit to our room which the children have LOVED exploring today!
Thank you for a wonderful start to the week Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Jess 😊 😊