Thursdays fun in the Babies 1 room goes something like this……………..welcome to 7 friends including Millie, Abel, Scarlett, Miller, Bentley, Edward and Jesse. 😊 Miss Kate and Miss Jess have been embedding ‘Enriched Caregiving’ practices to your babies routines to increase connections and build on learning through language interactions. Please feel free to view your child’s individual learning portfolio which are situated on our brand new shelf in the room. We have been busy little bees with our green fingers planting some of the little plants from Woolworths which has been a fun experience. Check them out on our new windowsill and we can’t wait for them to start flowering soon. 😊 Our new toys are still proving to be popular with all of our babies learning through PLAY. Spontaneous BUBBLE blowing was fun and always gets lots of smiles and excitement from our little darlings! 😊
I have got a day off tomorrow, but Miss Jess will be here alongside Miss Nikki who is familiar face in our room. Thanks Babies 1 for a nice day – Miss Kate and Miss Jess. 😊 😊